Accounting Services: Why and How to Outsource
The Accounting Services team at SDK believes that finances are the heartbeat of every company and should be a major driver behind the decisions they [...]
Overlooked Spring Cleaning: Add These Tasks to Your List
Spring is on the horizon, and for many of us that means more time out of the house enjoying the sunshine and warmer weather. Before [...]
Minnesota Tax Update: Federal Conformity
On January 12th, 2023 Minnesota enacted a federal tax conformity bill (2023 H.F. 31). This bipartisan legislation was passed and signed into law to provide [...]
SECURE Act 2.0 | A Review, Part 2
Secure 2.0 made numerous significant changes to all retirement plans including SEP and SIMPLE plans. Below is a summary of the changes specific to SEP [...]
5 Ways to Beat the Cold Weather Blues
As the calendar flips to February, it may seem as though the cold weather will never leave. Winters in the Midwest can feel cold, dark [...]
SECURE Act 2.0 | A Review, Part 1
With the news that the SECURE Act 2.0 has now been passed as a part of the omnibus spending package we wanted to highlight some [...]
Mark Your Calendars: Important Financial Dates in 2023
Sure, we are just starting the fourth quarter of 2022, but it always seems like October is a hop, skip and a holiday away from [...]
COLA Increase: Announcement from the Social Security Administration
Recently, the Social Security Administration (SSA) announced the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. The announcement shows an 8.7 [...]